Monday, November 14, 2011

New Guam Starcraft 2 League!

In an attempt to jump start the Starcraft 2 scene on Island, the fine folks at Guam Starcraft League are hosting a bronze to diamond only tournament with a 50 dollar donation being the prize for 1st place! They need to spread the word and don't worry if you/your friends are afraid to lose, it's all about good fun and camaraderie and hey, with a well executed strategy, you have the chance to beat anyone. ^_^

Click the link for more details.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Special Trolling Tactics

Great Vid of two Carmac and White-Ra tricking people at Blizzcon that the ESL's games manager is the legendary Ukranian Zerg Dimaga. They kind of look similar, from the forehead up.

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