Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
World GSL is About to Start
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted by Patrik "Raistlin" Hellstrand 16 minutes ago
Asia. Five professional teams with StarCraft 2 competition on live television. Monthly salaries for players and team houses. Thinking of Korea? Think again, as Taiwan attempts to become the new mekkah of StarCraft 2.
If you thought the boom of StarCraft 2 had only reached North America and Europe, you were wrong. There are nations that truly has taken StarCraft 2 to heart. So much that they can boast with having the first league in the world that gets shown on live television.
The Taiwan eSports League is in its fourth season, and StarCraft 2 was brought in as one of the disciples as of October 2010.
It was in an NASL application video from FnaticMSI player Chia Cheng 'SEn' Yang that viewers got to see a round tour of the venue as well as a couple of minutes with the front man of the Taiwan eSports League. In the video clip, he explains the league system and its player support.
"We are also the first StarCraft 2 league where all players have a base salary," says 'SoBad', game shoutcaster. He added, "Every player of the 5 teams has a steady monthly salary."
The league consists of 5 teams that take turns playing on live TV on weekends: Xpec Ironmen, Gama Bears, Wayi Spider, Tt Apollos and Tao Yuan Jets.
According to an FAQ by 'BanelingMalt', players earn between $700 and $1,000 USD.
While the Taiwanese superstar "Sen" is not a part of any team due to alleged sponsor conflicts with his home team FnaticMSI, there are other bright shining stars such as the Terran player Jen-Yu “SoftBall” Chan (picture) who was seen playing at BlizzCon 2010.
"Our goal is to help all of our players get to the point where they are better than Sen. Of course currently we still have a long way to reach that goal, but I believe that you will be able to see Taiwanese players in the GSL and the NASL, so everyone keep an eye out for us," said SoBad.
The organization is considering allowing non-Taiwanese to join any of the five teams at the start of next season, but no details of it has been announced.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
GSL- Thoughts
The GSL finals were sad sight to see if you are a Zerg player or sympathizer. The anticipated finals of MC vs July, the Gods of War of their respected races, was more of the "Protoss President" outplaying and outpreparing the Starcraft:BW legend. MC showed impeccable play with superb timings and flawless micro, July never was in control. (Except for the 3rd set in which July conducted a slick Hydra drop timing while MC was teching)
However what made MC play so frightening was that he basically won the series only using Tier 1 Gateway Units. Dark Templars made a brief appearance but really they did not shine in any way. MC’s Sentry and Stalker control was awe dropping. His pushes of “infinite forcefields” (8 or more sentries) were just cutting up July’s forces so badly that the notion of a fair fight was nonexistent.
Not one Colossus was made, which has been the buzz word for Zerg players who cry ZvP imbalance. *cough* Artosis and Idra
One Void Ray was made, but that game was the only one that MC preceded to lose.
No High Templars were produced as well.
So what is the big story? Well gateway pushes are incredibly powerful especially backed with top notch micro and such creative timings. In Game 2, MC’s 1 Gate Expand, a build catered for Crevasse, to a 6 Gate push came at such a fast time because his build allowed him to tech to warp faster by skipping a forge (Which is usually the crucial structure for fast expansions in PvZ). Were these pushes unstoppable though? The answer in my mind is no but it is not easy. In game 1 July could have held it off if he built a few more spine crawlers but the nail in the coffin was the last couple of Forcefields at the ramp, which blocked a huge amount of Reinforcements. They were mistakes made by Tushin (July), but in the bigger picture, this series lacked something that we came to expect from the Brood War Champion.
July, who in Brood War was known for being one the best BoX players in the game. His match preparation was legendary; see his series against Best in the EVER OSL where he truly played the player and not the game. It was surprising to see him getting outsmarted by MC here.
One thing that was disheartening as well is that July was not adapting at all to his opponent’s play. The one thing that MC lacked in these brute force pushes was detection, he completely ignored robo tech in 4/5 games. Rushing roach burrow would have stopped these pushes cold, with burrow being the best way to handle force fields in the mid game. Instead we saw the Zerg units get completely torn apart. This was a bad time for July to not bring his A game especially when he is playing the best player in the world. MC’s aggression is so refined; it truly is a scary sight to see.
In my mind, this GSL final is not evidence for ZvP imbalance (Its still favored for the Protoss but the matchup itself is not broken imo) but rather that MC is really good and July simply was not up to par. He lost the mental edge that earned him his nickname in BW.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
July Interview
Q: Feelings for advancing to Ro4?
A: I have never felt this anxious/nervous for such a long time. I do not even know how long have I not felt such feelings. When I win I kept on thinking, did I really just win?
Q: 1st 2 matches you won easily.
A: I thought today I could perform a 3-0 victory. It will be 3-0 as long as I take down the 1st match, even if I lost the 1st match it will be 3-1 victory. However, during the 3rd match I actually did a low level mistake, not scouting.
Selected strategy and spawning locations are good, but I did not see opponent's hellion coming out of base. After I saw my spawn location which are all in the correct location, I feel ladyluck is blessing me.
Q: Today matches strategy are similar
A: I saw many comments from friends on the internet. They say my matches contain aggressive elements, extremely entertaining. Even if I lose I will still see good comments for my play. I love these comments. Without these comments I will never be able to take down today's matches.
Q: You have a match with Nada after 2 years, feelings?
A: Both of us should be pretty excited about this. We trained very hard after all, and result in panda eyes. In SC1, I lose alot, thus in SC2 I hope I can win him.
Q: In 4th matches, do u notice not the small passage between the 2 barracks?
A: I do not know about this. If I knew, I could have won alot easier. Main thing is, after losing the 3rd round I felt a little bit at loss. In addition, 4th match bunker rush I defended poorly. Key factor in winning the 5th match is due to having adjusted my mental condition.
Q: Not using late game units on purpose?
A: Ultralisk is really not good. Even if I max out 200 food count on ultralisk, it is hard to win. Analysing Nada I have realised he love doing a Timing All-In. So I have decided to specifically counter against his unit's mobility. Against other player I may choose other strategy.
Q: MC said between July and Nada, whoever wins will enter the Finals.
A: I totally agreed with MC! Now I cannot see other opponent, only MC. Although in Ro32 I lose to MC, but at the finals I WILL LAUGH TILL THE END.
Q: MC said to win the finals, a zerg opponent will be the best bet.
A: Indeed, due to ZvP matchup. I can only sigh.
The races characteristic is wierd. A 200/200 maxed out engage basically Protoss could have won with just a net loss of 30 food count units. Then another push from Protoss Zerg would have KO. Zerg is too fragile. ZvP is indeed hard to fight.
Q: Next match could be Lyn or MarineKing
A: Lyn is famous @ War3, so I want to play a match against him. I have not fought him yet, I will win lyn to advance the semifinals, in the end everything will play out according to my script and I will win the finals.
Q: Alot of audience from SC1 wished today's victor would go to the Finals and win. Are you confident?
A: During group selection I have said that I have climbed from the lowest point. I will let everyone know how did I climbed to this place. I have the capabilities to advance from Code A to Code S Ro4, what is so difficult about going into the Finals? On the contary, I feel entering the Finals would make my mental condition even more stable.
Q: As of now, Zerg who advances to Ro8 take the finals.
A: There is alot differences between the past and now. Compared to last time, now racial balance is much better. But after hearing this I feel I must take the finals. Now I can only think being champion.
Q: Feel any 'Champion' Omen incoming?
A: Today, when I washed my hair, I think back of the past. Suddenly I thought of...should I dye my hair red again? Still, I feel now and the past there is some differences, now I am at the stage of climbing 1 step at a time.
Q: Last words?
A: Yesterday I discussed alot with my teammates, thank deeply for them. Many players accompanied me to train. Especially Clide whom I eliminated in Ro16, still he sincere helped me in training. Finally, I want to thank my coach.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
GSL- World Championship
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Kelly from GOMTV
This is one of the difficulties of the globality of online games such as Starcraft 2. For all the rhetoric of breaking down borders, barriers and connecting people, the internet, for all the supposed freedom from identity or locality that it is supposed to provide, is a great way for people to find new ways of reproducing their particular identities of actually invigorating them to new levels. Gaming is one such way for the United States and for English speaking communities. Although the majority of people on the internet are not English-speaking, the internet is a place built around English. The sites which connect places to each other have a heavy dose of English or originate in a place like the United States.
As the internet has connected people in the United States to the rest of the world virtually, it has done little to challenge their mindsets linguistically (and in other ways as well). There is still that almost unbelievable expectation that everyone speak English and that even if they already do speak English, that they speak it "correctly" the way they are used to. It almost boggles my mind.
Good luck to Kelly as she continues her casting. If you are on Twitter you can follow her there. Or you can check out her blog a diva and her demons.
(Otro fino'-ta) the player that Kelly is posing with in the picture is oGsNada, who is considered to be one of the best Starcraft players ever in the world.
Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011
The SC Center
They go through the all the major tournament results, the latest team announcements, and just about everything.
The show is hosted by JP Mcdaniel, who works for MLG (Their new season starts soon and SC2 is fully on board) and Patrick O'Neil, who gained notoriety for putting together The Starcraft Bible, a terrfific compilation of articles all about why Starcraft is the premiere E-sport out there.
Please suppport the book if you can, Mr. O' Neil turned his labor of love into something that is tangible, and be an important item on a coffee table. < 3